I’m Married But In Love With Someone Else
You probably never meant for it to happen. It’s not as if you went looking for a lover. However, once you fell in love with someone else other than your spouse, things got rather intense.
How To Save Your Marriage If Your Spouse Wants Out
It’s a helpless, frustrating feeling that consumes your mind and ravages your heart. It steals your sleep. You desperately want to know how to save your marriage, but you have no answers.
I Love You, But I’m Not In Love With You
It's like the kiss of death. It's when your spouse comes to you and says: "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." Is it time to panic when you hear that? Actually it may be.
How to End an Affair with Someone You Love
You are not quite sure how you got yourself into the affair, and even less sure about how to end an affair. You love your paramour but hate the sneaking and cheating. So constantly, you vacillate between ending the affair and giving yourself totally to it.
How To Save Your Marriage When Your Spouse Wants Out
How To Save Your Marriage When Your Spouse Wants Out [...]
How To Save Your Marriage When Everything Feels Hopeless
How To Save Your Marriage When Everything Feels Hopeless [...]
A Powerful Alternative to Counselling for Husband and Wife
If your marriage is in a serious crisis and [...]
How to Maintain a Good Marriage: 10 Ways to Build a Happier Relationship
A happy marriage takes work, commitment, and effort. Learn 10 ways to maintain a good marriage in this guide.
How to Stay Away from a Married Man: 5 Helpful Strategies
Having an affair with a married man comes with many unfortunate consequences. Explore our top tips for staying away from a married man.
Why Am I So Turned Off By My Husband? (5 Possible Reasons)
Explore common reasons why you may be turned off by your husband and what you can do to fix it.
How Are Most Affairs Discovered? (What to Do When Your Spouse Admits to Cheating)
Affairs are a challenging situation for any marriage. This guide explains how most affairs are discovered and what to do afterward.
5 Reasons Not to Give Up on Marriage
Giving up is not the only option when dealing with a marriage in crisis. Here are 5 key reasons to keep working on your marriage.
Ethical Non-Monogamy: Is the Impact Worth It?
Ethical Non-Monogamy, Polygamy, and Polygamy in the Bible: A [...]
Does Couples Therapy Work After Cheating? (What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Therapist)
Does couples therapy work after cheating? This guide gives you the answer and explores key factors when deciding to hire a marriage therapist.
Is Marriage Worth It in 2024?
Is Marriage Worth It in 2024?Introduction: In an era where [...]
What to Do When Your Husband Refuses Therapy: 5 Strategies for a Healthier Marriage
It’s difficult when your husband refuses therapy. This guide shows you what to do and the best marriage therapy alternatives you can try.
Join us for an upcoming Marriage Helper workshop and start saving your marriage today!
During the workshop you’ll learn how to communicate, how to understand each other, and how to get past any marriage problem you may be experiencing no matter how large it is.
Article Topics
- Addiction
- Affair
- Attraction
- Boundaries
- Bringing My Spouse Back
- Commitment
- Communication
- Conflict Resolution
- Control
- Dealing With a Spouse's Affair
- Deepen The Intimacy
- Divorce
- Grow Our Love and Attraction
- Having Great Sex
- I Want Out
- I'm In Love With Someone Else
- Infidelity
- Intimacy
- Limerence
- Marriage Troubles
- Money
- My Spouse Wants Out
- Parenting
- Podcast
- Rebuilding Intimacy
- Reconciliation
- Recovery after Affair
- Separation
- Sex
- SMART Contact
- Spirituality
- Standing for my Marriage