Marriage Counselor Gave Bad Advice – What Now?
Caroline2022-07-29T13:09:07-06:00Not all counselors believe that you should stay married. This statement may surprise you, but you should consider that not all counselors are pro-marriage.
Not all counselors believe that you should stay married. This statement may surprise you, but you should consider that not all counselors are pro-marriage.
Is marriage worth it? There are a few different ways that I could approach this question. But let's look at the research.
If you’re asking yourself… “Am I a fool?” It's probably because you feel like you have been so hurt, betrayed, or lied to that you don't know what to believe anymore.
What do you do when the nearest & dearest person to you on the earth, the love of your life, leaves you? How do you deal with that?
If you're in a struggle, or frustration with your spouse, and it seems like they don't want to work on the marriage with you, I want to give you 5 helpful tips to stay focused and in tune with your vision.
You have the ability to make different choices today. Even if you got off track once.. or twice.. or even seven times, you have the ability to get back on track. You can do this. You can stay on track even when life is trying to throw things at you.
Let’s face it, Valentine’s Day can be hard. Whether you’re [...]
It IS possible to stand for your marriage alone. Now, it might seem impossible, it might seem crazy, (and you might not know where to start) but it can just take one spouse wanting to save the marriage to actually start saving the marriage. But what more can you do? Where do you start!?
One of Jim’s clients called him extremely distressed, saying, “Jim, I need to talk to you RIGHT now. This is an emergency.” As they began to speak, Jim learned that his client’s wife had just contacted him one day ago, saying, “I am filing for divorce.” It’s a total shock- when your spouse tells you they are filing for divorce it’s definitely a traumatic life event.
When you and your spouse are separated it's hard to know what to do, what to say, how to act, and when to act. Don't worry, I'm going to give you five things that you can do when you are in a marriage separation that will help you starting now.