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So far Marriage Helper Team has created 39 blog entries.

Infidelity – Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating


It can be frightening and frustrating. You believe, or are completely convinced, that your spouse is cheating on you... yet, you don’t have enough proof to absolutely know. In this video, we’ll share a roadmap for you to assess whether or not it’s likely that your spouse is cheating. And, we’ll tell you what you can do moving forward. We want to preface this by saying: be wise. Don’t immediately think an affair is happening if one of the things we mention is going on. Rather, make sure you read through and evaluate all of the options.

Infidelity – Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating2023-05-04T21:54:22-06:00

My Child’s Marriage in Trouble: What Can I Do?


When our kids hurt, we hurt. If you’re watching this video, it’s likely that your child’s marriage is in trouble, and as a parent, you want to help them get through this hard time. You don’t want to do the WRONG thing, but still feel like you need to do SOMETHING.

My Child’s Marriage in Trouble: What Can I Do?2024-03-05T18:10:20-06:00

Negative Communication Ruining Marriage


EVERYONE should have fights in their marriage. (Okay, we know this sounds pretty shocking, but there’s a reason why we say this.) Here’s the thing, conflict in a marriage is healthy when you feel secure enough to disagree with your spouse. And the truth is, fights do not ruin your marriage. The failure to reconnect AFTER a fight is what can ruin your marriage.

Negative Communication Ruining Marriage2024-03-05T14:59:34-06:00

The 4 Ways to Re-Attract Your Spouse


There are some MAJOR misconceptions about what attraction is and why it matters. Often, attraction is seen as a physical connection or draw to someone...but it’s actually so much more than that. With the thousands of couples we’ve worked with, our principle about attraction helped them transform themselves AND their marriage.

The 4 Ways to Re-Attract Your Spouse2024-03-05T16:48:26-06:00

The 5 Things NOT to Say to A Spouse Who’s Leaving


It’s very common- searching for exact words to say (and exact words not to say) in order to keep your spouse from leaving- or to win your spouse back. In fact, many things out there claim there is “one word,” or there is “one phrase” you can use to win your spouse back. Here’s the hard truth: there is no exact word or phrase. But here’s the good news: there are things you can do if you’re in this situation, there is hope!

The 5 Things NOT to Say to A Spouse Who’s Leaving2024-03-10T00:02:11-06:00

Why Marriages Fail: 3 Top Reasons and How to Have Yours


Would you believe us if we said we could look at any marriage that ended in divorce and tell you EXACTLY why it happened? What if we could specify it down to one of three possible reasons? If you want to know, keep reading. We will explain the top three reasons that marriages (and relationships) come to an end. (And, we will reveal how each of these reasons is PREVENTABLE!)

Why Marriages Fail: 3 Top Reasons and How to Have Yours2024-03-10T15:27:33-06:00

How to Fix Your Marriage: The Do’s and Don’ts


You desperately want to know how to save your marriage...but you have NO answers. You feel helpless and frustrated. The pain doesn’t subside- it consumes your mind and shatters your heart into pieces. You ask, “Is it even possible to fix my marriage?”

How to Fix Your Marriage: The Do’s and Don’ts2020-05-19T20:42:02-06:00