Marriage Helper Couples Workshop
Our 3-day workshop is proven to save marriages and help couples grow deeper in intimacy and passion together, delivered either virtually or in-person.
This intensive workshop boasts a 70% success rate of saving marriages, even if your spouse comes reluctantly or does not want to. In addition, 99% of participants recommend the program to others, regardless of the outcome of their marriage.
Articles For You
5 Reasons Not to Give Up on Marriage
Giving up is not the only option when dealing with a marriage in crisis. Here are 5 key reasons to keep working on your marriage.
Rebuilding Trust In A Relationship
Have you ever been hurt by somebody that you loved or trusted? That betrayal can begin to affect everything about you and make you question what’s true and what isn’t.
How Do I Get My Spouse To Forgive Me?
Forgiveness can be difficult to both give and receive. When we’ve been hurt, especially by a loved one, that pain will take time to heal.
False Reconciliation And How To Deal With It
You may feel at times that you and your spouse are getting along and becoming close again. Other times you might feel them pulling back. So how do you handle these cycles of emotion or false starts?
Positive Signs During Separation
What are some positive signs during separation to look for that may indicate you can put your marriage back together?
Rebuilding Trust In Marriage (3 Key Principles)
When your trust has been broken, it can be from any number of things. It could be that your spouse lies continually, and finally, it’s just too much. Or, you discover your spouse is gambling and has put you in financial distress. It even could be that your spouse is having an affair. Whatever the circumstance is, trust was broken.
Prayer For A Broken Marriage
No matter which situation you are coming from and no matter what situation your marriage is in, I want to give you some hope.
Divorce Doesn’t Mean Your Marriage Is Over
One of Jim’s clients called him extremely distressed, saying, “Jim, I need to talk to you RIGHT now. This is an emergency.” As they began to speak, Jim learned that his client’s wife had just contacted him one day ago, saying, “I am filing for divorce.” It’s a total shock- when your spouse tells you they are filing for divorce it’s definitely a traumatic life event.
How To Find A Marriage Counselor
Why is it that when we have troubles in our marriage we automatically think, “Let’s go to marriage counseling...” It’s the thing you do, right? I mean, it’s all you hear about from family, friends, or just society in general. We feel like it’s what we need to do if our marriage is in crisis. And, it seems to be the only option that’s there... But we want you to know that marriage counseling may not be what you truly need! We'll explain 3 things you may not know about counseling and how it works so you can decide if it’s what you should do to save your marriage.
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