Prayer For A Broken Marriage
Sometimes I think people are looking for the “right words” to pray, kind of like a “magic prayer for God to save their marriage.” But prayer just doesn’t work that way…
Maybe you are a believer, looking for some encouragement. Or maybe you aren’t a believer and you are just looking for hope- maybe you heard others talk about prayer and you are desperate enough to try anything right now.
No matter which situation you are coming from and no matter what situation your marriage is in, I want to give you some hope.
Prayer Does Work
I do believe that prayer works. But I don’t believe that you have to say “certain words” in order for prayer to work or for God to move in your life. That’s not how God works. In Romans 8:26, it tells us that even when we don’t know the words to pray, He hears our groans; the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and presents our prayers to Him.
God hears us! He hears our hearts. He hears our longings. He hears our yearnings.
But prayer may not always work like we want.
For example, many times in my own life, my prayer has been “God change my husband. God, change my husband.” I wanted God to get my husband to stop doing things he was doing or to start doing things differently.
And, while I believe that God works in the lives of people and changes their hearts, people also have free will. And at the end of the day, the purpose of prayer is to change ME… to change my heart, my mindset, and my attitude.
There Is A Purpose For Your Pain
There will be hard seasons. There will be days that you feel like you can’t go on, that something has to change. Days where you are depressed and anxious beyond your wildest belief. But I believe that God has an amazing plan and purpose for your life… but not to glorify you… to glorify HIM.
There was a study done where many people of faith were asked, “Describe in one word a season of your life where your faith grew the most?” The number one answer? Pain.
I know what you are going through right now is painful… God understands. He hears you. He is THERE. And while I can’t give you the answers as to why this is happening, I can tell you God cries with you.
My encouragement is that this season of your life, while painful, would end up being used for good. As scripture tells us, “all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord” (Romans 8:28). The “good” may look different than you think, but in the grand scheme of things, it can absolutely be used for good.
Our hope and prayer is that one day this painful season would become your testimony- that you grow, become stronger, and are able to help others (even if you can’t see it right now).
We Are Praying For You.
I want you to know that our Marriage Helper team prays for you daily. Even though we don’t know you, we pray for you and all of the marriages in trouble. We pray for reconciliation, hope, and the comfort of God working in your life- giving peace that surpasses understanding, even when you don’t know what to do going forward.
Again, I believe that prayer works, but it’s not that we just pray and wait for God, we ALSO move forward- doing what we need to do in order to make those things happen. And here at Marriage Helper, we want to help you with that! We have Workshops, coaching, online courses, and other resources that can teach you what you need to do to moving forward. If you would like to speak to someone, please fill out this form here.
To learn more about this topic, watch the video “Why Won’t God Answer My Prayer For My Marriage?” here!