Why Do People Cheat?


A lot of times, we get questions from people that are painful questions. This particular question is one we hear a lot: why do people cheat?

Why Do People Cheat?2021-06-17T13:38:01-06:00

Signs Of A Cheating Spouse (WHAT TO DO NEXT)


Are you wondering what to do if you suspect that your spouse is in an affair? Perhaps there's something shady going on, or you've read something, or seen something. Or, maybe it's just a  feeling... an intuition or suspicion. 

Signs Of A Cheating Spouse (WHAT TO DO NEXT)2021-04-26T14:11:38-06:00

3 Reasons To End An Affair


If you’re reading this article, you may be thinking about ending your affair. But on the other hand, you might be thinking, “There's no way on earth. I'm not about to end this thing. I'm happier than I've ever been.” I still ask that you listen to these three reasons for ending an affair.

3 Reasons To End An Affair2020-10-28T09:32:34-06:00

Why Spouses Cheat & How to Protect Your Marriage


When you have a spouse that’s cheating, it can be completely overwhelming because you don't even know where to start. The questions to ask. Your heart is hurting. You're scared. There are so many emotions that go into that. 

Why Spouses Cheat & How to Protect Your Marriage2024-03-10T15:23:34-06:00

The Difference Between Love and Limerence


Limerence is the feeling of being madly in love, but is it true love or a chemically produced feeling that doesn't produce a long term relationship? Dr. Beam discusses these topics and related details in this informative video.

The Difference Between Love and Limerence2024-07-08T13:24:25-06:00

I’m Married But In Love With Someone Else


You probably never meant for it to happen. It’s not as if you went looking for a lover. However, once you fell in love with someone else other than your spouse, things got rather intense.

I’m Married But In Love With Someone Else2024-07-24T07:48:09-06:00

The Lover I Left My Marriage For Left Me


It was so powerful that you gave up your marriage for it… Your dream is now a nightmare. You gave up everything you needed to give up to acquire this one rare jewel and now the jewel has moved beyond your grasp. You feel out of control. Lost. Miserable.

The Lover I Left My Marriage For Left Me2020-12-09T11:10:25-06:00
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