Articles For You
How Does A Spouse Feel After Cheating?
How does a spouse feel after cheating? Is it guilt, pain, indifference? How can we tell?
Can A Relationship Go Back To Normal After Cheating?
Can a relationship go back to normal after cheating? That’s a big question. Cheating significantly impacts your relationship in more ways than one.
When To Walk Away After Infidelity
If you caught your spouse cheating and you’ve had enough, this is for you.
What Is Micro-Cheating?
Alleged cheating seems black and white, but what about an affair that starts unintentionally or less obviously between two people?
Stages Of Emotional Affairs
Listen to this episode of Relationship Radio to hear Dr. Joe Beam discuss the stages of emotional affairs, how they begin, and what people go through.
How To Forgive A Cheater
So, here you are. Somehow you've discovered that your spouse is in an affair, and I'm very sorry that you have. I know this is an excruciating time in your life.
3 Signs Your Husband Is Cheating
A woman's intuition is never wrong...or is it? Is your husband lying, acting shady, or maybe you think he's doing something that he shouldn't be doing?
Why Do People Cheat?
A lot of times, we get questions from people that are painful questions. This particular question is one we hear a lot: why do people cheat?
Spouse Cheating? 4 Steps to Survive & Gain Hope
Being in an affair is difficult and painful, but you can move past an affair and thrive if you'll do a couple of things.