Articles For You
Understanding Love: How Do People Fall in Love?
Did you know there's a process to falling in love? At Marriage Helper, we call it the LovePath. Whether you knew it or not, you followed a process that led you to fall in love with your spouse.
Emotional Affair Vs. Friendship
An emotional affair vs. a friendship; what's the difference? The question is not about whether a husband can have a female friend or a wife can have a male friend. The better question is, should they?
Surviving a Cheating Spouse: Find Relief
"My spouse is cheating. I'm hurting and emotionally exhausted because of my cheating spouse. How can I stop hurting and become emotionally healthy again?"
How To End My Affair
Most of the information you’ll find online about cheating seems to center around the spouse who was cheated on and what they can do to get through it. But what about the person who is cheating?
Emotional Cheating In A Marriage
What is cheating? Is it still cheating if it never becomes physical? Is there such thing as emotional cheating? The answer is yes.
Is Limerence Bad?
People often say they were in limerence with their spouse before they were married. But does that mean that the relationship with their spouse was bad from the beginning?
How To Heal After Being Cheated On
You're in pain. You just found out your spouse is cheating on you, and you're not sure what to do. Let me give you a few tips to start healing your pain.
What To Do When An Affair Ends Abruptly
When an affair ends abruptly, both the person betrayed and the spouse in the matter are affected.
How To Forgive A Cheating Spouse
Once a cheater, always a cheater. Is that true or false? How do you forgive a cheating spouse? That one question alone opens the door to a [...]