All About Limerence2025-01-28T20:11:18-06:00

Articles For You

The Difference Between Love and Limerence

Limerence is the feeling of being madly in love, but is it true love or a chemically produced feeling that doesn't produce a long term relationship? Dr. Beam discusses these topics and related details in this informative video.

Infidelity: The 3 Types

Has your marriage been impacted by an affair? If so, this video can help you determine what type of infidelity occurred and provide you with specific next steps.

The Lover I Left My Marriage For Left Me

It was so powerful that you gave up your marriage for it… Your dream is now a nightmare. You gave up everything you needed to give up to acquire this one rare jewel and now the jewel has moved beyond your grasp. You feel out of control. Lost. Miserable.