All About Limerence2022-08-08T09:34:09-06:00

Articles For You

Limerence Recovery for Couples: What To Do After an Affair

If you're searching for ways to help a marriage in crisis, know that you're not alone in this. The path ahead might seem daunting. But with the right approach, you can steer your relationship back to calmer waters. It's about taking that first step towards understanding and healing, together.

Is Limerence Bad?

People often say they were in limerence with their spouse before they were married. But does that mean that the relationship with their spouse was bad from the beginning? 

The Third Stage Of Limerence

Like any great play, the third stage of limerence provides a twist. These intense feelings can't last, though. On this episode of Relationship Radio, we'll take a look at the reasons why they don't last and what happens when limerence ends.

The Second Stage Of Limerence

You've undoubtedly heard someone say they fell "madly in love" before. But, what does that term mean? It is a psychological change in your behavior that we call limerence.

How Limerence Ends: What You NEED To Know

If your spouse says, “I’m in love with someone else”, is that a valid kind of love? Is it what people call true love? Does it mean your marriage is over? Or is it this thing that we call limerence?

Overcoming A Limerent Affair

In this episode of Relationship Radio, Dr. Joe Beam interviews a couple who were able to overcome a limerent affair and build a stronger marriage than ever before.