Dealing With A Spouse’s Affair2022-08-08T09:31:33-06:00
My Spouse Had an Affair Recovery Toolkit Website Icon

Affair Toolkit – $89

Do you wish you could save your marriage even though your spouse is having an affair?

You don’t have to do this alone. We know that there is hope for your situation.

We would like to help you save your marriage.


Articles For You

Signs Of A Cheating Spouse (WHAT TO DO NEXT)

Are you wondering what to do if you suspect that your spouse is in an affair? Perhaps there's something shady going on, or you've read something, or seen something. Or, maybe it's just a  feeling... an intuition or suspicion. 

Why Spouses Cheat & How to Protect Your Marriage

When you have a spouse that’s cheating, it can be completely overwhelming because you don't even know where to start. The questions to ask. Your heart is hurting. You're scared. There are so many emotions that go into that. 

The Difference Between Love and Limerence

Limerence is the feeling of being madly in love, but is it true love or a chemically produced feeling that doesn't produce a long term relationship? Dr. Beam discusses these topics and related details in this informative video.

Infidelity: The 3 Types

Has your marriage been impacted by an affair? If so, this video can help you determine what type of infidelity occurred and provide you with specific next steps.

Why Is My Wife Lying To Me?

Your wife lied to you. Not a miscommunication. Not a misunderstanding. A lie. Dishonesty. Deception. Whatever you call it, it comes down to the same thing.

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