Marriage Helper Couples Turnaround Workshop
Helping People Save Their Marriages
Your Marriage Is Worth Saving
Marriage isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would get married and stay married. But whenever people are involved, things get messy. Frustration turns to hurt, and hurt turns into resentment. And before you know it, divorce creeps into the conversation.
That’s why we created the Marriage Helper Workshop. This three-day intensive is designed to help you learn about yourself, your spouse, and your marriage—and give you the tools you need to build a strong, healthy relationship.
With a 70% success rate, the Marriage Helper Workshop has helped thousands of couples repair their marriages and find peace with themselves and one another—and the same can be true for you.
Hope Is Possible
Has your marriage fallen apart?
Even if it feels like it’s too far gone, we believe there is still hope!
Even if you’ve been affected by an affair, loss of connection, poor communication, lack of intimacy, or control issues – we can help.
“But I’ve already tried everything to repair my marriage”
We hear you. So many of our workshop graduates have tried nearly everything under the sun… but nearly all of them walk away thinking…
“I wished I learned this sooner.”
One couple even spent over $50k on counseling before finding Marriage Helper.
Marriages fall apart for lots of reasons. Maybe for you it’s an affair, loss of connection, poor communication, lack of intimacy, control.
Maybe you’ve tried everything to repair your marriage, and it hasn’t worked. Maybe couples therapy was a bust, and reading marriage books didn’t change anything. Maybe you’re exhausted, frustrated, and ready to throw in the towel.
But . . . maybe there’s hope.
Whatever issues you and your spouse are facing, however long you’ve been trying to make it work—a better future is possible. The Couples Turnaround Workshop will show you how.
How It Works
“Our marriage is better, our friendship is better. For those feeling discouraged, there is hope.”
Why Marriage Helper
There are a lot of marriage workshops out there. So how do you know which one is right for you? At Marriage Helper, it’s not just about the information—it’s about the results.
Seventy percent of couples who attend the Couples Turnaround Workshop save their marriage, and 99% of attendees say they would recommend the program, regardless of the outcome of their marriage.
What’s Covered
The workshop covers four main areas:
- How to Fall In Love Again
Our 4-step process called “The LovePath” teaches you how people fall in love and how people fall out of love. You’ll learn how to use this process to rescue your marriage, even if only one person follows it.
- How to Find Peace
Whether or not you decide to save your marriage, you’ll learn how to navigate that decision and how to find peace moving forward.
- How to Stop Conflict With Your Spouse
You’ll receive an in-depth assessment about your communication style and learn how to resolve conflict so both of you win the argument.
- How to Leave With a Plan and Hope
By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a game plan for how to move forward with your marriage. You’ll understand more about yourself, your spouse, and you’ll gain new hope for the future.
What If I Don’t Want to Save My Marriage?
It’s not uncommon for one spouse to want to save the marriage while the other wants to move on. Although the goal of The Couples Turnaround Workshop is ultimately to save marriages, no one will preach at you or twist your arm to stay married. What you’ll learn over these three days will benefit you and your family no matter what decision you make for the future of your marriage.
Hear What Couples Are Saying
“The workshop was a HUGE success! It helped us understand each other better, teaching us to speak our feelings and to be transparent with each other. Whatever your situation, the workshop will help! If there is HOPE there is a chance! The workshop was a blessing that saved our marriage. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”
– John and Sarah from Los Angeles
“By the end of the weekend we walked out with a much better understanding of relationships and how to make a marriage work. It was an emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting weekend! We walked in scared, nervous, upset . . . and walked out happier and a lot closer. We were even approached by a few people who noticed how our expressions changed over the weekend.”
– Joe and Diane from Tennessee
“[The workshop] was an extremely important first step for us in turning our marriage and our lives around. Today, four years later, we are very different people than we were when we went through the workshop. We still use what we learned and have a stronger marriage because of it. I think if we had not had his program, we may not have made it through the most difficult part of our life. We know that attending the workshop helped put us on the right path.”
– Patrick and Pam from Tennessee