At Marriage Helper, we are experts at understanding affairs. Why? Because we understand, from research, personal experience, and experience with thousands of couples, why affairs happen, why affairs end, and how to fix a marriage affected by an affair.

Why Do People Cheat?


A lot of times, we get questions from people that are painful questions. This particular question is one we hear a lot: why do people cheat?

Why Do People Cheat?2021-06-17T13:38:01-06:00

Save Your Marriage While Separated: Do This!


When you and your spouse are separated it's hard to know what to do, what to say, how to act, and when to act.  Don't worry, I'm going to give you five things that you can do when you are in a marriage separation that will help you starting now.

Save Your Marriage While Separated: Do This!2024-05-23T03:54:58-06:00

Married But In Love With Another


You probably never meant for it to happen. It’s not as if you went looking for a lover. However, once you fell in love with another person than your spouse, things got rather intense. I am Marriage Expert Joe Beam, and I have been where you are. I want to share with you what I learned from my own personal experience.

Married But In Love With Another2022-08-08T09:47:12-06:00
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