The First Stage Of Limerence
Caroline2022-02-09T09:34:25-06:00When people talk about falling madly in love, they're describing what we in the social sciences call limerence.
When people talk about falling madly in love, they're describing what we in the social sciences call limerence.
You've been working hard trying to save your marriage, but your spouse has not reciprocated in the way that you hoped they would...
If you're wondering, "Should I drag out my divorce to save my marriage?", there are a few things to consider.
Suspicion is never a good feeling, especially if you suspect your spouse is cheating on you. Cheating is a form of betrayal that violates your marriage vows and the foundation of trust you've built your life upon.
You want to be with your spouse, but your spouse doesn’t feel the same. It feels like the person that was once your best friend is now a stranger to you.
You're in marriage counseling with your spouse, but maybe it's not going exactly as you expected.
As season 1 of Relationship Radio comes to an end, we at Marriage Helper thought it would be useful to recap some information from our most popular episodes.
In this episode of Relationship Radio, Dr. Joe Beam interviews a couple who were able to overcome a limerent affair and build a stronger marriage than ever before.
One of the most common questions that we get at Marriage Helper is, "What can you do to show your spouse you've changed?"
In this episode of Relationship Radio, Dr. Joe Beam interviews a couple who were able to overcome a limerent affair and build a stronger marriage than ever before.