Articles For You
Moving Past an Affair: 3 Steps for Healing
Being in an affair is difficult and painful, but you can move past an affair and thrive if you'll do a couple of things.
Affair Recovery: Rebuilding Trust in Your Marriage
What do you do if your spouse cheats and then wants to put the marriage back together again?
Lover vs. Marriage: The Difficult Choice
We hear from people who say things like, "My spouse is involved with another person, but also seems interested in me. Is this something other people face?" The answer is... Absolutely.
Facing Infidelity: What to Do When Your Spouse is in Love with Someone Else
What do you do when you find out that your spouse is in love with someone else? Do you call it quits? Leave? Do you try to get them to fall back in love with you?
An Affair Doesn’t Mean Your Marriage Is Over
At Marriage Helper, we show people how they can still save their marriage even if there's been an affair. Even if this has happened, your marriage can even be made better than before.
Did I Forgive My Spouse Too Soon?
The other day, I was doing an “Ask Me Anything” on the Marriage Helper Instagram and came across a question that really caused me to pause and wonder why the person was asking it. The question was: “My husband and I are reconciling, and I'm wondering if I forgave him too soon?”
Signs Of A Cheating Spouse (WHAT TO DO NEXT)
Are you wondering what to do if you suspect that your spouse is in an affair? Perhaps there's something shady going on, or you've read something, or seen something. Or, maybe it's just a feeling... an intuition or suspicion.
Why Spouses Cheat & How to Protect Your Marriage
When you have a spouse that’s cheating, it can be completely overwhelming because you don't even know where to start. The questions to ask. Your heart is hurting. You're scared. There are so many emotions that go into that.
Loved One in Crisis? Intervention Strategies & Support
Want to help save a marriage? This two part audio and ebook can be a powerful tool for those who care enough to intervene. Through this audio recorded at Lipscomb [...]