An Affair Doesn’t Mean Your Marriage Is Over


At Marriage Helper, we show people how they can still save their marriage even if there's been an affair. Even if this has happened, your marriage can even be made better than before.

An Affair Doesn’t Mean Your Marriage Is Over2024-03-05T16:07:25-06:00

How To Save Your Marriage If Your Spouse Wants Out


It’s a helpless, frustrating feeling that consumes your mind and ravages your heart. It steals your sleep. You desperately want to know how to save your marriage, but you have no answers.

How To Save Your Marriage If Your Spouse Wants Out2024-07-08T12:09:34-06:00

How To Save Your Marriage If Your Spouse Wants Out


The person that you love, who once so deeply loved you, now treats you as if you are the enemy. You long for any sign of affection; a hug, a smile, even a kind word. You pray that it will be once again what it once was. You ache in a way you cannot explain, a pain that never subsides during the day and that wakes you at night. Read This Article.

How To Save Your Marriage If Your Spouse Wants Out2020-05-19T17:42:35-06:00