How Social Media Is Affecting Your Relationship


Have you seen Social Media affect your marriage? We definitely have. And while it isn’t going to be what “makes or breaks” a marriage, the habits we create with social media can lead to problems. And in this article, we’ll discuss the top three ways that social media can affect your relationship.

How Social Media Is Affecting Your Relationship2022-08-08T09:47:38-06:00

Standing For Your Marriage Alone


It IS possible to stand for your marriage alone.  Now, it might seem impossible, it might seem crazy, (and you might not know where to start) but it can just take one spouse wanting to save the marriage to actually start saving the marriage. But what more can you do? Where do you start!?

Standing For Your Marriage Alone2022-10-29T12:42:19-06:00

How Anxiety Affects Your Marriage


The other night, as I was pouring a glass of red wine, I asked my husband, “Do you EVER struggle with anxiety?” In a kind of sarcastic tone… It had been one of those days. Which, in this day and age, seems to be every day. Right? The news was all terrible. Social media was a cluster. Everyone was losing their minds… (myself probably included.) The kids’ school had been cancelled for two weeks, there was a lot of noise in the house, and we couldn’t go anywhere because everything was shut down.  And my anxiety was THROUGH THE ROOF.

How Anxiety Affects Your Marriage2022-08-08T09:47:36-06:00

Stuck At Home With Your Spouse?


My husband shared a meme with me yesterday which said, “With no sports on TV due to March Sadness. I got to know my wife. She’s actually really nice. Works in the medical field.”  We laughed. For a minute. And then I thought… it’s a little too true for comfort.  If you’re reading this article on the day we posted it… then you are probably stuck at home, with the rest of America (or half of the world) with your husband or your wife. Quarantined.  And even if your marriage is fine, being stuck in a house with your spouse and maybe even your kids for the never-ending foreseeable future can be overwhelming… (and stressful!)

Stuck At Home With Your Spouse?2022-08-08T09:47:35-06:00

Parenting & Marriage: 5 Tips for Balancing Love & Family


They say that, “The first crisis many couples face in their marriage is the birth of a first child.” (And I can say with experience, that is probably pretty true.) Over this past year, my husband and I became parents for the first time, and I can tell you we’ve had quite the experience... 

Parenting & Marriage: 5 Tips for Balancing Love & Family2024-03-06T13:22:37-06:00

Divorce Doesn’t Mean Your Marriage Is Over


One of Jim’s clients called him extremely distressed, saying, “Jim, I need to talk to you RIGHT now. This is an emergency.” As they began to speak, Jim learned that his client’s wife had just contacted him one day ago, saying, “I am filing for divorce.” It’s a total shock- when your spouse tells you they are filing for divorce it’s definitely a traumatic life event.

Divorce Doesn’t Mean Your Marriage Is Over2022-08-08T09:47:17-06:00

Save Your Marriage While Separated: Do This!


When you and your spouse are separated it's hard to know what to do, what to say, how to act, and when to act.  Don't worry, I'm going to give you five things that you can do when you are in a marriage separation that will help you starting now.

Save Your Marriage While Separated: Do This!2024-05-23T03:54:58-06:00