Articles For You
How to Stand For Your Marriage When Your Spouse is Gone
This article was written by guest author Petra Blank who used MarriageHelper's resources to help save her marriage. In 2011, I was hit by a truck… Not literally, but rather figuratively [...]
Sex During Separation: Should We Have It?
You're separated from your spouse, but you still, at least occasionally, have sex with each other. That's not unusual, right? Many couples do it. But is it smart?
How To Save Your Marriage If Your Spouse Wants Out
The person that you love, who once so deeply loved you, now treats you as if you are the enemy. You long for any sign of affection; a hug, a smile, even a kind word. You pray that it will be once again what it once was. You ache in a way you cannot explain, a pain that never subsides during the day and that wakes you at night. Read This Article.
How to Persuade Your Spouse to Seek Marriage Help Without Being Manipulative
Spencer Sutton. Joe, I talk to people every day who want to work on their marriage and they want to come to one of our Marriage Helper 911 workshops but their spouse [...]
What to do If Your Spouse Wants A Divorce
Everything I do just seems to drive him further away. I know God can save my marriage. But John wants a legal separation so I’m giving him one. I figure [...]
How to Win Back Your Husband or Wife
She didn’t hesitate a moment. Yes, she wanted to save her marriage. She and her husband were 40ish, married about twenty years, with a couple of children. One evening he told her he was in love with his assistant, that he already had a lawyer, and suggested she procure one for herself.
Can One Spouse Save A Marriage?
Type the question into Google and in less than a quarter of a second it returns over two hundred million links. Some lead to articles, others to "sure fire" products that promise to solve all marriage problems, and others to blogs that say one can and blogs that say one cannot.
When Is A Marriage Over?
When Should You Give Up On A Marriage? The only time I believe in giving up on a marriage is when one of them dies, or if after their divorce one [...]
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