Articles For You
Why Doesn’t My Spouse Want to Have Sex with Me?
If you’re asking questions or feel frustrated by the lack of love-making in your marriage, you aren’t alone. We would like to share with you some specific research about this.
Porn Addiction Affected My Wife
Kimberly: Next question we have, this one's a bit lengthier, but here we go. My wife and I have had sex twice in the last five years. Last time was about [...]
How To Have Great Sex
Great marriages have great sex.Not just sex.Not just good sex.Great sex!As Dr. Beam earned his PhD through the University of Sydney (rated one of the top 50 universities in the world), [...]
[PODCAST] How Pornography Affects Your Marriage: With Special Guest Clay Olsen of Fight The New Drug
How does pornography affect relationships? With your spouse or with your children? What can you do about it? In this podcast, we interview Clay Olsen, co-founder of Fight The New Drug, [...]
[PODCAST] How To Get Your Spouse To Keep Falling In Love With You- The Dr. Joe Show Podcast
It’s called the LovePath. It’s the process people go through as they fall in love. If you are in love or have ever been in love, you went through it. If [...]
[PODCAST] How To Become More Attractive- The Dr. Joe Show Podcast
Falling in love starts at the beginning of one path. We call it the LovePath. And there's actually a process that happens when people fall in love. It begins with [...]
[PODCAST] Great Sex In Marriage- The Dr. Joe Show Podcast
You may have seen the statistics. One in five marriages are in the "no sex" category. That means they have sex with each other ten times a year or less. [...]
[PODCAST] “How Porn Affects Husband & Wife” The Dr. Joe Show Podcast
In this program a couple tell their poignant story. Both had difficult childhoods that led to complications in their marriage, including pornography and affairs. The future seemed dim for their [...]
Can a Marriage Survive Sex Addiction?
This Shouldn’t Happen to a Child My life started out like so many others. I had a great early childhood and enjoyed my family and friends. But when I was 4 [...]