There is Hope to Stop Divorce & Save Your Marriage


One of the things I hear as soon as people discover I work with couples is, "What is the one thing I can do to make my marriage better? You have to have a magic line right? There's a pill. There has to be something."

There is Hope to Stop Divorce & Save Your Marriage2024-03-10T15:40:28-06:00

How Loss Of A Loved One Affects A Marriage


I'm going to share three concepts and three action steps that can help your marriage come together when you experience the loss of a loved one. (These three principles and three action steps apply to all kinds of losses. Whether a couple loses a child, or one spouse loses a family member, or a spouse loses their child and their spouse lost a stepchild.)

How Loss Of A Loved One Affects A Marriage2022-08-08T09:29:46-06:00