
Articles For You

How to Grow Love in Your Marriage

I hear these phrases quite often, “Marriage is a lot of work,” and “marriage is hard.” I actually hate those phrases. Who wants that? They sound kind of hopeless, don’t you think? I understand what is meant by those phrases. They are meant to warn people that good marriages don’t happen by accident. Good marriages happen on purpose, by making good choices over a long period of time. Great marriages are not as much work as they are decisions. Read More.

Swinging: Is It Just Sex?

The troubling thing about swinging is that people who participate in “the lifestyle” believe that it is “just sex”. The trouble is that it’s not just sex. It’s so much more. Full Article.

Intimacy Through Transparency

Transparency. What a tricky, dangerous word. The truth is transparency is the key to an intimate marriage. In fact, I would argue, you simply cannot have intimacy without it.

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