Affair Toolkit – $89
Do you wish you could save your marriage even though your spouse is having an affair?
You don’t have to do this alone. We know that there is hope for your situation.
We would like to help you save your marriage.
Articles For You
Why Wives Cheat
It started as a short post on Twitter. It picked up steam when it automatically appeared on my Facebook account. I wrote, “As I work with marriages hurt by an affair, [...]
How To Know If Your Husband or Wife Having an Affair
Based on my work with thousands of marriages, I offer the following suggestions for those who fear their spouses are cheating.
Should You Stay With A Spouse Who Cheated?
“People tell me I should divorce her. Forget her. Find someone else. She admits she was in love with the guy...but she says it’s over and she wants to make our marriage work. Asked me to forgive her. I don’t know if I can. Am I a fool to consider staying with her? Could I ever believe she really loves me? Will I ever quit thinking about the two of them together? What if he tries to get her back? Could I trust her not to go? Can I ever trust her again about anything? He paused, dropped his chin and said, “Part of me wants to walk away. Part of me wants what we had before. I don’t know what to do.” Click here to read.
Online Affairs (A.K.A. Facebook Affairs)
Yesterday I talked with another wife emotionally involved with an old boyfriend she bumped into online on Facebook.No surprise there. Every month couples enroll in our workshop for marriages in crisis because one [...]
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