Ultimatums In Relationships


An ultimatum says that a specific thing needs to stop or occur in a certain time frame. Is there a place for ultimatums in relationships? Can they be a helpful tool, or are they just another type of control?

Ultimatums In Relationships2022-05-27T14:00:11-06:00

How To Deal With A Toxic Relationship


If you want to know what a toxic relationship is, or how to deal with it, I'm here to help. Right now, there are so many different opinions and thoughts about toxic relationships. Because of this, I want to approach this topic carefully.

How To Deal With A Toxic Relationship2022-08-08T09:29:44-06:00

Caught in a Controlling Marriage


Are you caught in a marriage with a controlling spouse? Or, have you been accused of being controlling in your marriage? Living under the constant scrutiny of a controlling spouse is an exhausting exercise in futility. This person will never be satisfied, will never be wrong, always knows what’s best for you and feels the need to make sure you know that fact as well. Not only that, but the need to control every aspect of your own life as well the life and actions of your spouse and children be exhausting. There’s never a break. But we can help. Click here to read this article.

Caught in a Controlling Marriage2022-02-18T15:35:36-06:00