How to stop your spouse from acting in a way that is destructive to you,
or someone you love
The Definitive Guide to Boundaries Toolkit
Why Do I Need This Toolkit?
To stop being taken advantage of, if you feel like you’re being walked all over, or you’re unable to stand up for yourself
Understanding when it’s time to stand up for yourself in your marriage and stand firm on things that matter to you.
You will have a plan to protect yourself or someone you love – Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, Spiritually.
You will be in a position to trust your convictions that you are doing the right thing, even if it appears you are pushing your spouse away initially.
How It Works
The Definitive Guide to Boundaries Toolkit is right for you if: you need help working out how to deal with behaviors from your spouse.
The Boundaries Toolkit will help you think through the idea of setting a boundary for things you feel can’t happen in your relationship, as well as things that must happen in your relationship.
The course will help you understand what boundaries really are and how to design them in a way that is not controlling your spouse but a way to safeguard you and your loved ones. And, show you how to present them to your spouse in a way that is the most receptive.

The course will help you understand what boundaries really are and how to design them in a way that is not controlling your spouse but a way to safeguard you and your loved ones. And, show you how to present them to your spouse in a way that is the most receptive.

In this toolkit you will get video lessons and a step-by-step interactive workbook that leads you through a process to determine why you are setting the boundary, examples of consequences you can use to enforce it, and how you can present it to your spouse for it to be most effective.
Dr. Beam presents real-life examples of couples successfully setting up boundaries in their marriage that can help you think through your situation. It’s worked for thousands of other couples, and it can work for you.

Dr. Beam presents real-life examples of couples successfully setting up boundaries in their marriage that can help you think through your situation. It’s worked for thousands of other couples, and it can work for you.

You’ll get 10 videos and a step-by-step guide for how to stop doing something that is destructive to you or your marriage. It’s worked for thousands of other couples, and it can work for you.
Course Curriculum
Lesson 1: What is a PUSH?
Pushes cause someone to move away from you rather than closer to you.
Lesson 2: What is a STOP?
For behaviors that must cease, we use STOP (Safeguard That Offers Protection.
Lesson 3: Should you set a STOP?
This is behavior that MUST stop in order to provide protection for someone.
Lesson 4: How to design a STOP
Communicating necessary STOPs to your spouse, being as specific as possible.
Lesson 5: Putting the STOP together
Put your thoughts together into one clear STOP statement to use with your spouse.
Lesson 6: Presenting it to your spouse
It can be tricky to lay all this out for your spouse. Dr. Beam explains how to best go about it.
Lesson 7: Remember the Pushes
Learn the different types of Pushes to avoid when communicating with your spouse.
Lesson 8: What is a CORE?
Discover what a CORE is and if it makes sense to set one based on your situation.
Lesson 9: Should you set a CORE?
Dr. Beam will walk you through the process of deciding if you should set a CORE.
Lesson 10: How to design a CORE
If you’ve decided to set a CORE, you’ll learn how to implement it with your spouse.

“I filed for divorce 3 weeks after he left, not because I wanted one, but as a stay-at-home mom, I had to protect myself and my babies financially. I also had to use the legal system to protect myself from his manipulation. He didn’t like it one bit, but I needed to do it – I stood firm.
My point to all of this is that his reckless behavior never seemed to stop, and I needed to set up some boundaries to protect myself and my children, which I did. At Marriage Helper, we call these STOPs (safeguards that offer protection).
The same husband who cheated on me – The one who made my life a living hell – The one who walked out on his children – Is now home and loving.”