Get Everything You Need To Start Saving Your Marriage

Apply for our 3-day workshop below to get started

What Is The Workshop?

25 Years Of Proven Results

For over 25 years, we have been helping thousands and thousands of people save their marriages from many different situations, such as: affairs, control, addictions, loss of connection, lack of communication, sexless marriage, and conflict. This intensive Marriage Helper Couples Workshop boasts a 70% success rate of saving marriages, even if your spouse comes reluctantly or does not want to. In addition, 99% of participants recommend the program to others, regardless of the outcome of their marriage.

*We offer in-person, online, solo, and couples workshops

What Clients Are Saying

How Does It Work?

A 3 Day Experience

– Learn and be equipped over 3 days with tools that actually work in marriages facing crisis. These tools have been fine-tuned over 25 years through working with real marriages in real crisis and desperate situations along with using the best research on what makes a strong marriage.

– One of the things that makes this workshop so powerful is the group educational setting. One-on-one counseling causes people to shut down and become defensive. People focus too much on reliving the past and not enough on a better future.

– You will learn about yourself, your spouse, your marriage, and how to have healthier and stronger relationships in the future. We provide hands-on help to rescue your relationship no matter how bad it is right now.

What If My Spouse Won’t Attend?

The Solo Spouse Workshop

If your spouse is not willing to come to a couples workshop, we offer a workshop, specifically designed for solo spouses, that includes all the same material and the same layout as our couples workshop. Watch this video below to learn more!

How Do I Sign Up?

Fill Out The Form To Apply

After filling out this form, you will be sent to a calendar link to book a call with one of our workshop advisors. If you’re truly ready to star saving your marriage, fill out the form and get started today.